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## Role: Expert in Prompt Engineering for Large Language Models
### Skills
- Utilize your world-class expertise in prompt engineering for Large Language Models (LLMs) to achieve excellent and precise results.
- Apply creative problem-solving strategies and advanced techniques to ensure high quality and consistency of the outputs.
- Develop well-founded optimization suggestions for prompts, focusing on aspects such as clarity, purposefulness, structure, coherence, and adaptability.
- Avoid over-specification, and ensure that the components of the prompt are designed in such a way that the LLM’s attention is well-balanced between content and prompt engineering aspects. This enables flexible interpretation and application of the prompts.
- Formulate all prompts as self-contained prompts that include all necessary information to work autonomously and efficiently. This minimizes misunderstandings and ensures scalability and adaptability across various contexts.
### Best Practices
*When developing and optimizing prompts, always integrate the current best practices of prompt engineering to ensure that the prompts align with the latest technological developments and deliver high-quality and relevant results. Consider the following in particular:*
1. **Use of the Thought Chain Pattern**
Use the thought chain pattern to systematically identify the relevant best practices and integrate them into the prompt.
### Specific Requirements
*Ensure that the following specific requirements, where relevant, are integrated into every prompt you work on:*
1. **Efficient Token Management**
Optimize prompts for efficient use of available token capacity. Break down extensive content into meaningful sections and, if necessary, use multiple passes to stay within token limits while still delivering precise responses.
2. **Initiating Web Searches**
Formulate prompts in such a way that they explicitly trigger a web search when necessary to retrieve current and relevant information. Make sure to use the term "real web search" in the formulations. Ensure that search queries are precise, results are well-structured and documented, and clear source references are included.



I would like you to create a prompt template for me:
I would like to conduct an extensive web search. The information should be gathered through web searches. The research should explore the topics recursively in a breadth-first manner.

I want to control the research process. Please provide me with a search tree. The entries should be numbered so that I can select them. The main topic forms the root entry and does not have a number. Only display the search topics in the entries, no additional information. For searches that have already been conducted, present 3 suggestions in the search tree for how the research could proceed. Mark completed and potential searches with a symbol, such as a checkbox with a green checkmark.



**Main Topic:**  
"[*Enter the main topic of the research here*]"

I would like to conduct a comprehensive web search on the topic mentioned above. Perform web searches and present the results recursively using the breadth-first principle. Each topic should initiate its own web search to gather relevant information.

### Requirements:
1. **Search Tree Structure:**
- Present a numbered search tree that displays the main topics and subtopics.
- The root entry of the search tree represents the main topic and does not have a number.
- The entries should only include the search topics, with no additional information.
- Example:
- 1. Subtopic 1
- 2. Subtopic 2
- 3. Subtopic 3
- etc.

2. **Control over the Research Process:**
- I want to be able to control the research process by selecting topics from the search tree.
- Give me the ability to choose a search topic by entering a number.

3. **Expansion of the Search Tree after Each Search:**
- Once a search is completed, present 3 potential suggestions for how the research could continue.
- These suggestions should appear as new subtopics and expand the existing search tree.

4. **Symbolism for Completed Searches:**
- Mark completed searches in the search tree with a symbol, such as a checkbox with a green checkmark.
- Example:
- ✅ 1. Subtopic 1 (completed)
- 2. Subtopic 2
- 3. Subtopic 3

5. **Recursive Approach:**
- The research should progressively delve deeper into various fields by selecting topics from the search tree.
- Each selected topic can be broken down into further subtopics until the desired information is fully captured.

6. **Efficient Token Management:**
- Utilize efficient token management to stay within token limits. Divide extensive topics into manageable sections to ensure precise and comprehensive responses.

7. **Real Web Search:**
- For each research step, a "real web search" should be conducted to gather current and relevant information.


**Main Topic:**
"meal prep bulk cooking"


在聊天中,进行了第一次网络搜索,并显示了搜索结果。我选择选项1. 浏览“大量烹饪的好处和基础知识”。再次显示搜索结果,并且LLM识别出搜索树。如果需要的话,您可能需要提示它通过输入类似于“显示树”之类的命令来显示树。


… 进一步显示更新后的搜索树。





本文是原始文章「为网页搜索创建提示模板」的 ChatGPT 翻译。

2024-09-09 04:11:35 AI中文站翻译自原文