




Sure, here's the translation of "Now, I’ve figured it out, so let me connect the dots for you." in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 现在,我已经弄清楚了,让我帮你串联起来。 ``` In this HTML snippet, the Chinese text is included within `

` tags to maintain the structure typically used for paragraphs in HTML.


Sure, here's the translation of "Table of Contents" into simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html

``` In this HTML snippet: - `` is used for creating a table structure (though not necessary for just one cell). - `` represents a table row. - `
` represents a table cell where "目录" (which means "Table of Contents" in simplified Chinese) is placed. This structure ensures the text "目录" is presented clearly within the context of an HTML table.

To translate the given text to simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure, you can use the following: ```html

  • 介绍
  • AI用于学习:你需要在意吗?
  • AI与布鲁姆分类法
    • 第1级:记忆事实和标准程序 — 第1级测验 — 为何第1级不需要AI
    • 第2级:理解一个主题 — 2.1 回答聊天机器人的开放性问题 — 2.2 在语境中请求学习方法和资源 — 2.3 请求新知识 — 2.4 请求测验 — 2.5 个性化测验 — 2.6 个性化例子 — 2.7 其他提升理解的方法
  • 总结:布鲁姆分类法1级至2级的AI驱动学习
  • 结论
``` This structure maintains the list format with nested lists where necessary, corresponding to the headings and subheadings provided in the English text. Each `
  • ` tag represents a list item in HTML, ensuring clarity and organization in the translated Chinese text.



    1. 记忆:定义、命名、列出、重复等能力。
    2. Certainly! Here's the translation of "Understanding: ability to explain, generalize, summarize, simplify, classify, etc." into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 理解能力:能够解释、概括、总结、简化、分类等。 ``` This HTML code preserves the structure and includes the translated text in simplified Chinese.
    3. Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html Applying: 能够解决简单问题并在新情境中应用知识 ``` In this translation: - "Applying:" is translated as "应用:". - "ability to solve simple problems applying knowledge in new situations" is translated as "能够解决简单问题并在新情境中应用知识". Feel free to use this in your HTML document!
    4. 分析: 区分和比较思想的能力,将不同的思想之间建立联系。
    5. 评估:能够优先考虑想法,评估,批判或证明立场或决策
    6. Sure, here's how you can structure the HTML to display the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html Translated Text

      Creating: ability to plan, design, construct, produce completely original work.


      ``` In this HTML: - `lang="zh-CN"` in the `` tag specifies that the language is simplified Chinese. - The original English text and its translated Chinese text are wrapped in `

      ` tags to separate them for clarity and styling purposes.

    Certainly! Here is the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html


    ``` In simplified Chinese: ```html







    Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html

    我相信这种自上而下或相反的学习顺序往往能够 resonates with 大约一半的所有学习者 — 那些MBTI框架将其归类为“判断型”而不是“洞察型”的人。如果你属于这个类别,你会发现,结合 Bloom 的六级分类法以及我的三篇文章中的提示和技巧,提供了一个具体的 AI 辅助学习的路线图。

    ``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text in simplified Chinese, with the English words "resonates with" left as is, as they are used in the original context.




    • 一方面,LLM已经发展到足以显著简化设定学习目标和实现目标的过程。因此,即使您以往对自主学习的经历令人失望,我还是鼓励您再试一次——这次利用人工智能工具。
    • 另一方面,我的研究显示,成人人工智能教育市场仍处于起步阶段。我们还没有达到能够选择一个EdTech人工智能平台(比如Khanmigo针对学龄儿童)并期望它能满足我们所有学习需求,即使是在特定学科领域内。

    Sure, here's the translation of the English text into simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 因此,成年学习者目前必须在没有教育人工智能平台的情况下使用人工智能。 ``` This HTML code will display the Chinese text while maintaining the structure of the HTML document.


    Sure, here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html


    ``` In this HTML snippet: - `

    ` indicates a paragraph tag in HTML. - The Chinese text inside `

    ` is the translation of "In the following sections, I’ll provide you with effective prompts and highlight scenarios where high-quality knowledge sources are indispensable, as well as instances where an LLM can help you on its own."


    Sure, here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html


    ``` In simplified Chinese: ```html


    ``` This preserves the original HTML structure while providing the translation in simplified Chinese.
    1. Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, while maintaining the HTML structure: ```html

      Bloom's Taxonomy Meets ChatGPT


      ``` In simplified Chinese: ```html



      ``` This HTML structure includes a `
      ` container with a `

      ` heading and a `

      ` paragraph, translated into simplified Chinese while preserving the original content and structure.

    2. Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 布鲁姆分类法在人工智能与人类学习互动中的应用。本文虽然内容简略,但指出了在分类法各个层次上,教师角色与人工智能兼容的功能。 ```
    3. Source: blog post, December, 2023

      Sure, here's the translation of the text into simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure: ```html


      ``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text in simplified Chinese within a paragraph (`

      `) tag.


      Sure, here's how you can structure the HTML document while translating the text into simplified Chinese: ```html

      Translate Text to Chinese


      ``` In this HTML structure: - `` specifies the language as English for general compatibility. - The `` section contains necessary metadata and the document title. - The translation of "At this lowest level of learning, artificial intelligence could play a very limited role." into simplified Chinese is placed within a `

      ` (paragraph) tag in the `

      ` section.


      Certainly! Here's the HTML structure with the text translated into simplified Chinese: ```html


      ``` In this HTML snippet: - `

      ` indicates a paragraph tag. - The Chinese text provided is a translation of the original English text.

      如果您认为您的人类记忆技能将来会变得过时,那也是一个有效的观点。在这种情况下,可以放心地跳过到第二级部分 😉




      您可以尝试使用Revisely Quiz Generator和QuizCube等AI工具。如果您的自我评估需求是偶尔的,它们的免费计划应该足够了。这些工具需要关于您主题的“权威”的内容作为输入。您可以以各种格式将这些材料提供给AI:docx或pdf文件,网页链接,甚至是教科书页面的快照。

      • 对于小型信息块,这些工具被证明非常用户友好。您不再只是得到一个静态的测验内容,而是得到一个交互式网页来测试您的知识。
      • 这种方法在正规的教育环境中特别有效,在这种环境中,作为学生的你了解哪些学习资料被认为是权威的并且与你的课程相符。
      • 这在探讨一个你尚不清楚边界的广泛主题时并不适合。
      • 这并不适用于缺乏教科书、综合文章或高质量教育视频可以转录的主题。
      • Sure, here's the translation of the English text "The method’s effectiveness is primarily limited to memory recall tests." into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html


        ``` In this HTML snippet: - `

        ` and `

        ` enclose the translated text, indicating a paragraph element in HTML. - `该方法的有效性主要局限于记忆回忆测试。` is the simplified Chinese translation of the provided English sentence.

      GPT-4 和其他领先的LLM没有最后一种限制。它们可以生成各种复杂性水平的测试,包括理解和应用。关于这种能力的更多细节,请参考稍后的“请求测验”部分。


      • 除了前面提到的因素外,在1级别上,由AI驱动的个性化在很大程度上是不必要的,因为事实和标准程序并非特定于个人。
      • Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 此外,如果您的主要重点是记忆事实,您可能无法准确评估ChatGPT提供的学习资源和评估的质量。 ``` This HTML structure ensures the content is properly formatted for display on a webpage.
      • 最后,如果您的主题是高级或新的(主题上没有足够的数据来训练LLMs),并且如果您无法为LLM的环境添加权威材料,LLMs将无法生成高质量的测验。




      Sure, here is the text "Level 2: Understanding a Topic" translated into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html Level 2: 理解一个主题 ``` In this translation: - `Level 2: ` represents the English text "Level 2: ". - `理解一个主题` represents the simplified Chinese translation "理解一个主题", meaning "Understanding a Topic".

      Sure, here's the translation of the English text into simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html


      ``` In Chinese: ```html


      ``` This HTML snippet represents the translated text: "在这个二级阶段,生成人工智能成为自主学习者的强大盟友。"
      Importance of AI at various steps of self-directed learning. Please read my explanations on level 2 below.

      Sure, here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html


      ``` In simplified Chinese, the translation of the text "Once you’ve got familiar with a topic through introductory articles or videos, you can simply engage in conversations with an AI chatbot to reach more profound levels of understanding the topic." is: "一旦您通过介绍性文章或视频熟悉了一个话题,您可以简单地与AI聊天机器人进行对话,以达到更深层次的理解。"


      2.1 回答聊天机器人的开放性问题





      Sure, here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html


      ``` Translated text: ``` 当我回答一个问题时,首先思考一下你自己对这个问题的答案。然后根据以下两个标准,用1-5的评分来评估我的回答: ``` This HTML structure maintains the paragraph (`

      `) tag to enclose the translated text in simplified Chinese.

      1. 答案的事实准确性和完整性:通过将您的答案与我的答案进行比较来评分。例如,如果问题意味着列出一些要点,我的答案包含3个要点,而您的答案包含5个要点,则得分应为5的3。

      2. 理解水平:根据布鲁姆的分类法级别2——理解来评分。如果我的回答只包含未解释的术语或众所周知的事实,则评分为1。如果回答展示出很好的解释、分类或概括能力,则评分为5。


      **事实准确性和完整性得分:** 2/5。**理解水平得分:** N/A,因为这个问题没有暗示解释、分类或概括。你的回答提到了3种技术,但其中一种(影响映射)与主题毫无关联。此外,RICE和WSJF技术也值得一提。接下来的问题:**2. 产品管理中 backlog 优先级排序的目的是什么?**

      Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure: ```html


      ``` This HTML structure preserves the original formatting while providing the text in simplified Chinese.


      您可能还会发现与更简单提示的另一个对话具有启发性。 这个对话展示了AI对于低质量答案做出教育的能力(请参阅其“改进示例答案”),因为这个提示并没有限制LLM的创造力。 与AI教育一定要小心,有讨论在第2.3节。


      2.2 在上下文中请求学习方法和资源.




      Requesting learning methods in context


      1. 不用人工智能,可以从谷歌研究开始,或回想一些其他信息源,你已经收集到的。
      2. 在ChatGPT中做到这一点,使用简短的提示。

      给我一个关于第三点的网络搜索查询。然后执行查询并总结结果。... 重复第四点的任务。

      Requesting resources for further learning

      2.3 请求新知识

      在前一节提到的两种方法 — 有或没有AI — 在这一步也适用。

      1. Sure, here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html


        ``` In this HTML snippet: - `

        ` tags are used to denote a paragraph in HTML. - The Chinese text inside the `

        ` tags translates to "个人而言,在这一步骤上我会直接使用谷歌搜索(仅仅因为我有将近30年的网络搜索经验)。", which is the translation of "Personally, I would just google at this step (just because I have almost 30 years of web search experience)."

      2. 与此相反,许多人更容易与ChatGPT保持交谈,以获得类似的理解主题的结果。使用像、MaxAI.me或SearchGPT这样的专业工具甚至更有效,这些工具能够改进请求,将请求拆分为多个搜索查询,并总结搜索结果。



      A typical GPT hallucination
      A simple way to overcome GPT hallucinations

      Sure, here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html


      ``` In this HTML snippet: - `

      ` tags are used to encapsulate the paragraph of translated text. - The translated Chinese text is placed directly within the `

      ` tags. This structure maintains the integrity of the HTML while presenting the translated content in Chinese.

      1. 在进行第 2.3 步及以后与人工智能互动之前,请以 PDF 或 DOCX 格式将经过验证的教育资源上传至 ChatGPT/Claude。对于 ChatGPT Plus 订阅者,建议为每个主题创建专用的 GPT 以上传文件。Claude 用户可以利用项目功能实现类似的功能。
      2. Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure: ```html


        ``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text: 如果上述选项不可行,您可以要求AI使用特定的书籍,提供1-3本书名。虽然这种方法不能完全消除幻觉的风险,但可以显著降低其发生的可能性。
      3. 另一种方法是向ChatGPT提供专家推荐来源的超链接,而不是文件。
      4. 如果没有推荐书籍或其他经过验证的资源,您可以请求ChatGPT提供适合您水平的资源链接(请在第2.2步骤中执行)。然后,选择对您来说似乎最可信的资源。最后,使用以下提示指示ChatGPT: “从现在开始,在回答我的问题时,请以2号和4号资源为基础”。


      2.4 请求测验







      Certainly! Here's the text translated into simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 制作一个关于道选择题的测验,主题为。 ``` This translation maintains the placeholders ``, ``, and `` within the HTML structure, providing a clear and accurate translation into simplified Chinese.

      Certainly! Here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese, including the phrase "请一次只问一个问题": ```html

      Translated Text


      ``` In simplified Chinese: ```html 翻译文本


      ``` This HTML structure embeds the translated text "请一次只问一个问题" within a simple webpage framework.

      Certainly! Here's how you can structure the HTML while translating the text into simplified Chinese: ```html

      ``` In this HTML snippet, the text "Here is an example of what you can get with such a simple prompt:" is translated to "这里是一个使用如此简单提示时可以得到的示例:".
      A quiz made by Claude 3.5 Sonnet in response to a simple prompt with Level 2




      Quiz assessment and feedback by Claude 3.5 Sonnet

      2.5 个性化测验


      • 您可能需要明确要求使用上下文,例如:“对我们之前讨论过的子主题进行提问”,“难度应该比我之前确定的水平高一级”。
      • Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html


        ``` In this HTML snippet: - `

        ` indicates a paragraph tag in HTML, commonly used for paragraphs of text. - The Chinese text is placed inside the `

        ` tags, ensuring it appears as a paragraph in the document structure.



      2.6 个性化示例







      Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 提供另一个易于理解的类比视角。 ```


      如果你收到过于创意的类比或故事,而你又不相信,考虑在你的提示中添加以下短语:“参数 temperature=0.3”。较低的温度值会导致模型输出的想象力较少。


      然而,在ChatGPT和Claude提示中,此参数并不总是有帮助。为了更好地防止“无意义”的内容或过度的创造力,您可以通过Open AI Playground或Anthropic Console设置温度并与相同的LLM进行交互,尽管这些工具需要付费(它们价格便宜,但需要信用卡)。


      Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html






      Certainly! Here's how you can structure the HTML while incorporating the translated Chinese text: ```html

      Translate Text Example

      Imagine that you have an objective like mine. Generate an example of what we just discussed for me to understand it better.


      ``` In this HTML structure: - The text "Imagine that you have an objective like mine. Generate an example of what we just discussed for me to understand it better." is translated into simplified Chinese and placed within `

      ` and `

      ` tags accordingly. - The `` tags ensure proper character encoding and viewport settings. - The `

      ` tag provides a title for the HTML document.<p>Certainly! Here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html </p> <p>提示的两个部分都可以包括任何能让AI考虑上下文相关内容的内容。此外,即使您没有明确请求,AI也会倾向于考虑您当前的理解水平。</p> ``` Translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html <p>提示的两个部分都可以包括任何能让AI考虑上下文相关内容的内容。此外,即使您没有明确请求,AI也会倾向于考虑您当前的理解水平。</p> ``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text within a paragraph (`<p>`) tag, ensuring the structure is maintained as requested.</p> <h2>2.7 提升与人工智能理解的其他方法</h2> <p>Sure, here is the translation of the text into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html <span>可视化——以及示例——是理解(和记忆)复杂主题的好方法,而人工智能工具擅长生成图表和流程图。</span> ``` In simplified Chinese characters: ```html <span>可视化——以及示例——是理解(和记忆)复杂主题的好方法,而人工智能工具擅长生成图表和流程图。</span> ``` This HTML snippet will display the translated text properly formatted while preserving the original structure.</p> <p>然而,在第4级(分析)中,流程图是至关重要的,因此我将在下一篇文章中详细介绍。</p> <p>同样的考虑也适用于使用费曼技巧结合人工智能,这是一种了解复杂概念更深层的绝妙方法。你会在那里找到相关提示。</p> <p>Sure, here is the translation of the provided text into simplified Chinese: 顺便说一句,可以在2.1步骤中使用基于费曼的对话作为简单问答会话的替代品,因为这些对话还能提供高质量的背景信息。然而,即使对某个主题有一定了解,使用费曼技术开始学习也需要太多的心理努力。这种方法更适合学习的最后阶段。</p> <p>Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese: 再次,新的信息应与之前的知识相关联,才能更好地理解。例如(参见2.6节)并非是促进关联的唯一方式。你应该回想起之前的知识,以便建立关联。此外,在接受新知识之前,根据你已有的知识表达或创造一些内容是值得的。这里有一个简单的例子:「我记得……我完全不知道……是什么意思。我希望通过使用……学习方法来达到……目标。」 This translation preserves the HTML structure while rendering the text in simplified Chinese.</p> <p>Certainly! Here's the HTML structure with the text translated into simplified Chinese: ```html </p> <p>老师们鼓励学生在课程开始时回想、表达或创造一些东西,以切换他们的思维进入“学习模式”。然后,老师们为他们提供总结或反馈;在自主学习环境中,AI也可以为您提供同样的帮助。这将帮助您更好地准备理解新知识。</p> ``` In this HTML snippet: - `<p>` denotes a paragraph tag in HTML, used here to structure the translated text. - The Chinese text is a translation of the provided English text, maintaining the structure and meaning while adapting it into simplified Chinese.</p> <p>动力是二级学习的一个极其重要的成功因素。保持自己与AI保持动力的方法——无需人类教练/老师/同学——在很大程度上取决于你的个性类型和其他因素。这就是为什么我将在另一篇文章中讨论这个主题。</p> <h1>Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html Summary: <span lang="zh-CN">AI 驱动的布鲁姆水平 1–2 的学习</span> ``` In this translation: - `<span lang="zh-CN">` is used to indicate the following text is in simplified Chinese. - The English text "Summary:" remains unchanged as it does not need translation for clarity. - "AI-Driven Learning at Bloom’s Levels 1–2" is translated into "AI 驱动的布鲁姆水平 1–2 的学习", which means "AI-driven learning at Bloom's Levels 1–2" in simplified Chinese.</span> </h1> <p>让我总结一下我们可以利用人工智能加强学习的方式:</p> <ol> <li>让人工智能向您提出(开放式)问题,以获取背景信息。</li> <li>请求获取学习方法和资源。</li> <li>学习新知识(在这里使用人工智能时,请谨慎对待LLM幻觉,尽管上下文可能有所不同)</li> <li>请求可视化来提高对知识的理解和保留</li> <li>Certainly! Here's how you would write "Request personalized examples to understand it deeper" in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 请求个性化示例以深入了解 ``` This HTML snippet maintains the structure while providing the translated text in simplified Chinese.</li> <li>为了确保你已充分理解,如果需要测验、开放性问题或费曼技巧的帮助,请在相关上下文中进行。</li> <figure class="po pp pq pr ps pt pl pm paragraph-image"><div role="button" tabindex="0" class="pu pv fj pw bh px"><div class="pl pm sm"><picture><img alt="AI-assisted learning at Bloom’s levels 2 — Understanding" class="bh me py c" width="700" height="242" loading="lazy" src="/posts/1%24FYyfjjfAuUaHw36nJ0_1mA.png"></picture></div></div> <figcaption class="qb ff qc pl pm qd qe bf b bg z du">AI-assisted learning at Bloom’s level 2: Understanding</figcaption></figure> </ol> <p>最好从一个“高级”提示开始与AI进行关于新话题的沟通。这个提示应该在分配任务之前了解您的需求,理想情况下还应该评估您当前的知识水平。以下是几个这样的提示示例:</p> <ul> <li>Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure: ```html <p>长篇幅的提示对于像这个聊天中使用的AI导师至关重要(来源:沃顿商学院研究)。这些提示请求背景信息,提供相关的解释和示例,鼓励学生表达他们的思维过程,给予积极的强化,等等。</p> ``` Translated text: ```html <p>长篇幅的提示对于像这个聊天中使用的AI导师至关重要(来源:沃顿商学院研究)。这些提示请求背景信息,提供相关的解释和示例,鼓励学生表达他们的思维过程,给予积极的强化,等等。</p> ```</li> <li>针对正式教育场景设计的简短提示,学生们拥有一些“课堂笔记”,AI将根据笔记生成内容(参考此示例)。在自主学习设置中,只要您有相关的指南或其他文本可供使用,类似的提示也是可用的,而不需要“课堂笔记”。</li> <li>在第2.1节中,我介绍了我自己的提示,重点是开放式问题。对这些问题的回应不仅鼓励您概括和加深我们的理解,还为同一AI聊天机器人内的进一步学习创造了丰富的背景。</li> </ul> <p>Sure, here's the text translated into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html </p> <p>我建议选择并定制这些“高级”提示中的一个,以满足您的需求。</p> ``` This HTML snippet displays the translated text "我建议选择并定制这些“高级”提示中的一个,以满足您的需求。" which means "I suggest selecting and customizing just one of these ‘advanced’ prompts to suit your needs."<p>一旦AI使用此提示收集了您的个人背景,您就可以简要向AI提出后续请求,而无需精神上的努力。受上下文引导,AI将考虑您当前的熟练水平和具体需求。</p> <h1>結論</h1> <p>并非每个人都准备好通过抽象的“教学”模型(如布鲁姆税 分类法或科尔布周期)来审视他们的学习过程。</p> <p>然而,如果你愿意用这些模型来思考学习,你将对个人和专业成长采取更谨慎的方法。这种心态转变可以大大改善你实现目标的机会。它还可以节省完成冗长非个性化课程所需的时间和金钱。</p> <p>在整篇文章中,我旨在说明,当你将人工智能融入到学习习惯中时,这些好处会变得更加明显。</p> <p>有趣的是,当应用于布鲁姆税务分类的更高级别时,人工智能证明其更加有益,超越了我们在本文中探讨的理解水平。</p> <p>保持关注,获取能够帮助您培养高阶思维技能(HOTS)的提示和原则。</p>
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