Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html Creating a Telegram bot on Spring Boot: 个人经验和建议【第3部分】 ``` In this translation: - `` is used to indicate that the enclosed text is in simplified Chinese. - The translated text "个人经验和建议【第3部分】" corresponds to "Personal experience and recommendations [part 3]" in English.

Certainly! Here is the text "Introduction" translated into simplified Chinese while maintaining HTML structure: ```html
``` This HTML snippet displays the word "Introduction" in simplified Chinese.Certainly! Here's how you can structure the HTML while translating the text into simplified Chinese: ```html
- Sure, here is the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese:
``` In Chinese: ```html创建机器人,与机器人进行交互的基本组件
``` This HTML structure maintains the text while displaying it in simplified Chinese. - Certainly! Here's how you can write "Message entity, styling and localization" in simplified Chinese within an HTML structure:
``` This HTML snippet ensures that the text "消息实体,样式和本地化" (Message entity, styling and localization) is displayed correctly in a web page, respecting HTML structure for paragraph (``) elements.
Sure, here's the translation of your text into simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure: ```html
``` This HTML snippet retains the structure while providing the simplified Chinese translation of your sentence.- Sure, here's how you could structure it in HTML and add the translation:
Quartz — for scheduling message delivery
石英 — 用于调度消息传送
``` In this HTML snippet: - `` indicates the English text. - `` indicates the Chinese translation. The translated text is: **石英 — 用于调度消息传送** - Certainly! Here's the translation of "ChatGPT — for creating interactive quizzes" in simplified Chinese within an HTML structure:
ChatGPT — 用于创建互动测验
Certainly! Here's how you would write "Quartz" in simplified Chinese within an HTML structure: ```html 石英 ``` This HTML snippet ensures that the text "石英" (which means "quartz" in simplified Chinese) is correctly marked with the language code for Chinese (Simplified).
Certainly! Here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html
``` In simplified Chinese: ```html自然,我本可以选择在Telegram中使用预定消息功能,但我决定主要的通知功能要独立并能够正确处理错误或失败。这就是为什么Quartz对我来说是正确的选择。
```Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure: ```html Quartz作为一个任务调度工具,能够在指定的时间或间隔执行任务。对于需要高效执行或严格遵循时间表的任务,它非常有益。 ``` In this HTML snippet: - `` is used to encapsulate the translated Chinese text. - The translated text conveys the meaning of Quartz being a task scheduling tool that enables task execution at specified times or intervals, and highlights its benefits for tasks requiring efficiency or adherence to a timetable.
Certainly! Here's the translation of "Adding Quartz to pom.xml:" in simplified Chinese, while maintaining the HTML structure: ```html 将Quartz添加到pom.xml: ```
Sure, here is the translation of "Adding necessary parameters to application.yaml:" in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 在 application.yaml 中添加必要的参数: ```
job-store-type: jdbc
isClustered: false
driverDelegateClass: org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.PostgreSQLDelegate
threadCount: 5
在保持HTML结构的情况下,将以下英文文本翻译为简体中文: 创建必要的表格:
Sure, here's the translation of the text into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html
The script for the required tables for Quartz integration is located at /resources/scripts/V2__Initial_quartz_tables.sql
Quartz集成所需表格的脚本位于 /resources/scripts/V2__Initial_quartz_tables.sql
Sure, here's how you can write "Adding a Task" in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 添加任务: ``` This translation directly conveys the meaning of "Adding a Task" in a clear and concise manner.
public void scheduleMessage(EMessage message, InputUserData userData) {"Schedule message with id: {} and chat_id:{}", message.getId(), userData.getChatId());
var jobDataMap = new JobDataMap();
jobDataMap.putAsString("message_id", message.getId());
jobDataMap.putAsString("chat_id", userData.getChatId());
try {
ScheduleResultTuple result =
getScheduleResultTuple(message, userData.getChatId(), jobDataMap);
scheduler.scheduleJob(result.jobDetail(), result.trigger());
"Create trigger for message with id: {} and for chat_id: {}",
} catch (SchedulerException e) {
log.error("Error scheduling message", e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private ScheduleResultTuple getScheduleResultTuple(
EMessage message, Long chatId, JobDataMap jobDataMap) {
JobDetail jobDetail =
.withIdentity(message.getId().toString().concat(chatId.toString()), JOBS_GROUP)
.withDescription(String.format("Send scheduled message: %d", message.getId()))
Trigger trigger =
.withIdentity(jobDetail.getKey().getName(), TRIGGERS_GROUP)
String.format("Send Message Trigger: %s", jobDetail.getKey().getName()))
return new ScheduleResultTuple(jobDetail, trigger);
- To translate "JobDetail — Defines an instance of the Job class, as Quartz does not store the actual instance of the Job class." into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure, you can use the following: ```html JobDetail — 定义 Job 类的一个实例,因为 Quartz 不存储 Job 类的实际实例。 ``` In this HTML snippet: - `` is used to wrap the translated text to maintain inline formatting. - "JobDetail" is directly translated as "JobDetail". - "Defines an instance of the Job class" is translated as "定义 Job 类的一个实例". - "as Quartz does not store the actual instance of the Job class" is translated as "因为 Quartz 不存储 Job 类的实际实例". This preserves the structure of the original English text while providing the simplified Chinese translation.
- Certainly! Here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 触发器 — 触发作业执行的机制,与作业本身分离,仅负责调度。对于触发器,您需要指定调度类型、执行时间以及关联的作业。 ```
- Sure, here is the translation of the text into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html JobDataMap — 一个地图,您可以在作业执行期间放置数据以供使用。 ```
Certainly! Here is the translation of "Executing the Task:" in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html
public class SchedulerServiceImpl extends QuartzJobBean{
private final Scheduler scheduler;
private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;
private final UserService userService;
private final TelegramClientService telegramClientService;
private final MessageService messageService;
private final MessageSourceService messageSourceService;
private final KeyboardServiceImpl keyboardServiceImpl;
protected void executeInternal(JobExecutionContext context) {"Executing job with key: {}", context.getJobDetail().getKey());
var jobDataMap = context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap(); // Retrieve the data map (message_id and chat_id)
var message =
messageService.getUpdatedMessage(Long.valueOf(jobDataMap.getString("message_id")), true);
var chatId = Long.valueOf(jobDataMap.getString("chat_id"));
var languageCode = userService.getUser(message.getOwnerId()).getLanguageCode();
var suffix = messageSourceService.getMessage("messages.suffix.execution-time", languageCode);
var messageString = parseMessage(message, false, suffix, languageCode, messageSourceService);
try {
var sentMessage = // Send the Telegram message
keyboardServiceImpl.getMessageKeyboard(message.getId(), languageCode))
.build());"Sent message: {}", sentMessage.getMessageId());
ScheduleResultTuple result = getScheduleResultTuple(message, chatId, jobDataMap);
if (doTry(() -> scheduler.checkExists(context.getJobDetail().getKey()))) { // Check if the job exists in the database
rescheduleJob(context, message.getNextExecutionDateTime().atZone(UTC).toInstant()); // Reschedule the job
} else {
doTry(() -> scheduler.scheduleJob(result.jobDetail(), result.trigger())); // Create the job in the database
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Exception", e);
... // Error handling
Certainly! Here's the translation of "ChatGPT" into simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html ChatGPT ``` In this HTML snippet: - `` is used for inline styling and grouping of text. - `lang="zh-CN"` specifies the language of the enclosed text as simplified Chinese. - `"ChatGPT"` is the translated text itself.
在 pom.xml 中添加:
Sure, here is the text translated to simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 创建 API_KEY 并将必要的参数添加到 application.yaml: ```
Certainly! Here's how you can write "Here is a concise guide on how to obtain the API key — video" in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 这里是一个关于如何获取 API 密钥的简明指南 — 视频。 ``` This HTML structure ensures that the text is displayed correctly and maintains its formatting.
api-key: ${AI_API_KEY}
model: ${AI_MODEL}
response-format: json_object
- Certainly! Here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html ``` In simplified Chinese, the text " — ID of the model to use (gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4o,…)" translates to " — 使用的模型ID(gpt-3.5-turbo、gpt-4o等)。".
- Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html — 一个指定模型输出格式的对象。必须是 text 或 json_object 中的一个。 ``` In simplified Chinese: " — 一个指定模型输出格式的对象。必须是 text 或 json_object 中的一个。"
Sure, here's how you can write "Creating a Prompt" in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 创建提示: ``` This translation maintains the HTML tags around the Chinese text, which is common practice when mixing languages in web development to ensure proper rendering and styling.
public static final String PROMPT =
Create a challenging quiz from the given text, returning a JSON object with 10 questions.
Each question must include:
text: The question text
variants: Answer options
correct_answer: The correct answer
Questions should be difficult, relevant, and varied. Analyze the input text for main ideas and themes. If insufficient information, generate some questions independently. If vocabulary-based, include MISSING questions with context-based options.
Use the language specified in language_code.
Translate questions based on {input_text} language AND on {language_code} input parameter!
If the input text is not understandable, include "error": "BAD_QUESTION_CANT_UNDERSTAND" in the response. If the text is too short, include "error": "TOO_SHORT".
Response must contains ONLY "questions" OR "error"!
For answers:
YES_NO: {"true": "Yes", "false": "No"}
SELECT and MISSING: {"A": "element 1", "B": "element 2", "C": "element 3", "D": "element 4"}
Make YES_NO questions more difficult, with the frequency of true answers lower than false. If language learning is indicated, MISSING questions should be in the learning language, while the rest are in language_code.
Input parameters:
language_code: Language code for the quiz.
input_text: Text for the quiz
JSON schema for the response:
"questions": [
"type": "YES_NO",
"text": "Is the term 'quantum entanglement' accurately translated to 'kkkk'?",
"variants": {
"true": "Yes",
"false": "No"
"correct_answer": "true"
"type": "YES_NO",
"text": "Does the word 'ineffable' mean 'easily expressed'?",
"variants": {
"true": "Yes",
"false": "No"
"correct_answer": "false"
"type": "SELECT",
"text": "Question text",
"variants": {
"A": "Option 1",
"B": "Option 2",
"C": "Option 3",
"D": "Option 4"
"correct_answer": "A"
"type": "MISSING",
"text": "______ is the quality of being confident and not afraid to say what you want or believe.",
"variants": {
"A": "Bravery",
"B": "Assertiveness",
"C": "Fear",
"D": "Timidity"
"correct_answer": "B"
// 6 more questions in similar format
This is language_code: {%s} and input_text: {%s}. Return only JSON!
Certainly! Here's the HTML structure with the simplified Chinese translation included: ```html
``` This HTML snippet includes the translated text "原来是为了涵盖所有输入文本的各种情况。" which means "It turned out large to cover all scenarios with the input text."Certainly! Here's how you would write "Creating AiService:" in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 创建 AiService: ``` This HTML snippet preserves the text "Creating AiService:" in English, followed by its simplified Chinese translation.
public class AiServiceImpl implements AiService {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AiServiceImpl.class);
private final OpenAiChatModel openAiChatModel;
private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;
private Long maxRetries;
private Long pauseBetweenRetries;
public AiQuestionTuple sendRequest(String text, String languageCode) {
var format = String.format(PROMPT, languageCode, text); //format prompt
QuestionsWrapper wrapper = null;
for (int attempt = 0; attempt < maxRetries; attempt++) {
try {
String response =; //call chatGpt"Response: {}", response);
wrapper = objectMapper.readValue(response, QuestionsWrapper.class); //if parse, check for errors
if (null != wrapper.getError() || null == wrapper.getQuestions()) {
return new AiQuestionTuple(wrapper.getError(), null);
break; // parsing successful, break out of the retry loop
} catch (ResourceAccessException | IOException e) { //retry mechanism
if (attempt >= maxRetries - 1) {
return new AiQuestionTuple(RETRIES_LIMIT, null);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
return new AiQuestionTuple(DEFAULT, null);
return new AiQuestionTuple(
questionDto ->
doTry(() -> objectMapper.writeValueAsString(questionDto.getVariants())))
Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 如果ChatGPT返回的JSON不是有效的,它会再次尝试创建响应。 ```
Certainly! Here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html
当然,OpenAiChatModel 还有许多其他方法,您可以更灵活地定制请求,但在这种情况下,这并不是必要的。
``` In the above HTML snippet: - `` denotes a paragraph tag in HTML. - The Chinese text provided is the translation of "Of course, OpenAiChatModel has many other methods where you can customize the request more flexibly, but in this case, it was not necessary."
Certainly! Here's the HTML structure with "Summary" translated into simplified Chinese:
This HTML code will display "总结" which means "Summary" in simplified Chinese.
Sure, here's how you could structure and translate that text in HTML, with the translation to simplified Chinese: ```html
``` In simplified Chinese, "In this article, we covered:" translates to "在本文中,我们涵盖了:". This HTML snippet maintains the structure while presenting the translated text.- Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 如何设置和使用Quartz来调度延迟任务。 ``` This HTML structure ensures that the translated text remains clear and maintains the formatting required for web content.
- Sure, here's how you could structure and translate the text into simplified Chinese while keeping it in an HTML-like format: ```html 如何在项目中设置并使用ChatGPT生成测验题。 ``` In this translation: - "How to set up and use ChatGPT for generating quizzes in the project." is translated as "如何在项目中设置并使用ChatGPT生成测验题。" - The HTML-like structure is maintained for clarity and consistency with your request.
Sure, here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html
这是我宠物项目的最终文章 — 一个Telegram机器人。
``` This HTML snippet preserves the structure while presenting the translated text in simplified Chinese.Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while maintaining the HTML structure: ```html 我的机器人在这里。 ```
To translate the given English text into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact, you can use the following: ```html 如果您觉得这些文章有用,请支持它们!我期待您对改进机器人或添加新功能的建议。请写信给我,我急切地等待您的建议! ``` In HTML, it would look like this: ```html
``` This HTML snippet maintains the structure and effectively translates the message into simplified Chinese.