Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html ChatGPT-4o 最佳提示框架及如何精通它们 ```

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Certainly! Here's how you would write "INTRODUCTION" in simplified Chinese within an HTML structure: ```html 介绍


``` In this example: - `` tag sets the title of the webpage to "介绍" (Introduction). - `<h1>` tag is used to display "介绍" as the main heading on the webpage. This structure ensures that both the title and heading of the webpage are in simplified Chinese characters for "INTRODUCTION".</h1> <p>Certainly! Here is the HTML structure with the text translated into simplified Chinese: ```html </p> <p>掌握工程技巧是精通任何生成人工智能工具的秘诀。了解这六种提示框架将使您成为提示向导。</p> ``` In this translation: - "Prompt engineering" is translated to "掌握工程技巧" (literally "mastering engineering skills"). - "GenAI tools" is translated to "生成人工智能工具" (literally "generated artificial intelligence tools"). - "Prompt wizard" is translated to "提示向导" (literally "prompt guide").<p>Sure, here's the translation of the text into simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html </p> <p>在本教程中,我将分享我最喜欢的6个提示框架,并为每个框架提供示例。</p> ``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text "在本教程中,我将分享我最喜欢的6个提示框架,并为每个框架提供示例。", which means "In this tutorial, I will share my 6 favorite Prompt Frameworks, with examples for each."<p>Sure, here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html </p> <p>使用任何生成式AI工具的秘诀是什么?提示工程。</p> ``` In simplified Chinese: ```html <p>使用任何生成式AI工具的秘诀是什么?提示工程。</p> ```<p>在我们开始之前,请记住以下专业技巧…</p> <ul> <li>Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html <p>最好将ChatGPT与其他AI生产力工具结合使用,以增强效率、创造力和日常生产力。</p> ``` This HTML snippet preserves the structure and provides the translation of the English text into simplified Chinese.</li> <li>Sure, here's how you could structure the HTML while providing the translation into simplified Chinese: ```html <p>使用一些预算友好的生产力工具和人工智能工具与ChatGPT结合使用,例如Miro(免费的视觉构思/思维导图工具)、Notion-AI(全功能人工智能应用程序)、Quillbot(比Grammarly更经济实惠和更好的版本)、以及SaneBox(免费的电子邮件管理工具),这些是我个人使用的。</p> ``` In simplified Chinese: ```html <p>使用一些预算友好的生产力工具和人工智能工具与ChatGPT结合使用,例如Miro(免费的视觉构思/思维导图工具)、Notion-AI(全功能人工智能应用程序)、Quillbot(比Grammarly更经济实惠和更好的版本)、以及SaneBox(免费的电子邮件管理工具),这些是我个人使用的。</p> ``` This HTML snippet ensures that the text is correctly formatted and can be easily integrated into a web page while displaying the translated content in simplified Chinese.</li> <li>Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese while maintaining HTML structure: ```html 这些工具不仅价格实惠,而且显著提高您的工作效率,帮助您在日常任务中脱颖而出。 ``` This HTML snippet preserves the structure while presenting the translated text in simplified Chinese.</li> </ul> <p>Certainly! Here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, while maintaining the HTML structure: ```html </p> <p>注意:为了增加博客的附加价值并作为博客的独特卖点,本文末尾我设计并附上了一个包含本文讨论的ChatGPT技术的速查表/轮播图,供您使用、保存,并在LinkedIn上与朋友和同事分享。在文末还有一个额外的惊喜等着大家。</p> ``` In this HTML snippet: - `<p>` tags are used to wrap the translated text, indicating a paragraph. - Chinese text is inserted directly within the tags.</p> <p>Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html <span>此外,我会分享本月的最佳生产力工具的额外提示,它们不仅便宜有效,而且对每个人都是改变游戏规则的利器。我使用过并且强烈建议大家尝试。请务必查看并使用。</span> ```</p> <p>Sure, here's how you can write "MIRO" in simplified Chinese within an HTML structure: ```html <span lang="zh-CN">米罗</span> ``` In this HTML snippet: - `<span>` is used to encapsulate the text. - `lang="zh-CN"` attribute specifies the language as simplified Chinese. - "米罗" is the simplified Chinese translation for "MIRO".</span></p> <p>Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html Bonus Tip 1 — Miro 是一款AI原生应用,旨在简化头脑风暴、学习、组织、记笔记和展示想法的过程。 ``` In this HTML snippet, the Chinese text replaces the English text, maintaining the structure of the sentence and ensuring clarity in the translation.</p> <p>Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 创建令人惊叹的视觉内容(思维导图、流程图、演示文稿等),只需通过聊天即可。 ``` This HTML snippet retains the original English meaning while presenting it in simplified Chinese characters.</p> <p>Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure: ```html <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> </p> <p> Miro 帮助将您的笔记和结构化的文章转换成漂亮的思维导图。它可以从任何想法或提示创建易于理解的视觉呈现。 </p> ``` In simplified Chinese characters: ```html <p> Miro 帮助将您的笔记和结构化的文章转换成漂亮的思维导图。它可以从任何想法或提示创建易于理解的视觉呈现。 </p> ``` This HTML snippet will display the translated text in a web page while preserving the text structure.<p>Sure, here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html </p> <p>只需输入一个提示,您就可以从2500多个免费概念地图模板中选择一个漂亮的图表。它让我和我的团队更快地理解一切,更高效,节省大量时间。</p> ``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text: **Chinese (Simplified):** 只需输入一个提示,您就可以从2500多个免费概念地图模板中选择一个漂亮的图表。它让我和我的团队更快地理解一切,更高效,节省大量时间。<p>Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html </p> <p>我使用它来创建令人惊叹的思维导图,视觉头脑风暴,制作流程图和其他演示文稿,从我的杂乱的笔记和想法中特别是为了我的工作和学习。</p> ``` In this HTML snippet: - `<p>` indicates a paragraph tag, which is commonly used to structure text in HTML documents. - The Chinese text inside `</p> <p>` is the translated version of your provided English sentence.</p> <p>Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html </p> <p>这款应用彻底改变了我记笔记和记录想法的方式。作为一个喜欢记笔记并记录每一个想法的人,这款应用真的是一个改变游戏规则的产品。</p> ``` In this translation: - "这款应用" translates to "this app". - "彻底改变了" means "completely revolutionized". - "我记笔记和记录想法的方式" translates to "the way I take notes and record my ideas". - "喜欢记笔记并记录每一个想法的人" means "someone who enjoys taking notes and jotting down every idea". - "改变游戏规则的产品" translates to "game-changer product". This translation captures the essence of the original English text while being structured in HTML for display purposes.<p>Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html </p> <p>这是另一款物超所值的工具,与它提供的惊人功能相比,价格低廉得令人难以置信。相信我,您绝对会爱上这款应用的简洁、用户体验和易用性。</p> ``` In this translation: - "这是另一款物超所值的工具" translates to "It is another value-for-money tool". - "与它提供的惊人功能相比,价格低廉得令人难以置信" translates to "that is dirt cheap compared to the amazing features it provides". - "相信我,您绝对会爱上这款应用的简洁、用户体验和易用性" translates to "Trust me, you will absolutely fall in love with this app’s simplicity, user experience, and ease of use".<p>Sure, here's the translation of "Pricing: Freemium" in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure: ```html <span lang="zh-CN">定价:免费增值版</span> ```</p> <p>Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html <span>我强烈推荐给每个人。绝对是您清单中必备的视觉生产工具。</span> ```</p> <p>Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, maintaining HTML structure: ```html MIRO 是您真正的日常视觉学习/头脑风暴/构思的完美伙伴。 ```</p> <p>I'm unable to access external links directly. However, I can provide you with a general translation of a typical webpage structure into simplified Chinese. If you can provide the specific text you'd like translated, I can certainly help with that.</p> <figure class="qg qh qi qj qk mn mf mg paragraph-image"><div class="mf mg qf"><picture><img alt="" class="bg lm ms c" width="640" height="479" loading="lazy" role="presentation" src="/posts/1%24TCdFcGqum9Z3I2Gep_tkzw.png"></picture></div> <figcaption class="mt fe mu mf mg mv mw be b bf z dt"><a class="af mx" href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><strong class="be na">MIRO</strong></a><strong class="be na"> — </strong>Best Visual Productivity Tool for this Month</figcaption></figure><p>Certainly! Here's the HTML structure with the text translated to simplified Chinese: ```html </p> <div> <h2>2) QUILLBOT:</h2> </div> ``` In simplified Chinese: ```html <div> <h2>2) QuillBot:</h2> </div> ``` The translated text "QUILLBOT" is rendered as "QuillBot" in simplified Chinese, maintaining the HTML structure provided.<p>Sure, here is the translation in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html </p> <p>我最近开始使用的一款优秀的AI生产力写作工具,用于日常写作和任务,如抄袭检测、语法检查、QuillBot-Flow、QuillBot AI内容检测器、改写工具、摘要生成器和翻译工具,就是QuillBot。</p> ``` In simplified Chinese characters, the text translates to: "我最近开始使用的一款优秀的AI生产力写作工具,用于日常写作和任务,如抄袭检测、语法检查、QuillBot-Flow、QuillBot AI内容检测器、改写工具、摘要生成器和翻译工具,就是QuillBot。"<p>Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html </p> <p>它是一个优秀的改写工具,可以轻松击败所有的AI内容检测器。</p> ```<p>Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 我想尝试一些类似且比Grammarly(每月12美元)更便宜的东西。 ``` In this HTML snippet, the translated Chinese text is inserted into the HTML structure, maintaining the format and any necessary tags.</p> <p>Certainly! Here's the translation of the text into simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html </p> <p>我花了大约每月$4的年度保费(折扣58%)。与我过去使用过的其他写作工具相比,这个价格简直便宜得可以忽略不计。</p> ``` This HTML snippet translates to: ```html <p>I took up its yearly premium for around $4/month (58% off). The price was literally dirt cheap compared to other writing tools I have used in the past.</p> ``` In this translation: - "每月" means "per month". - "保费" refers to "premium". - "折扣" means "discount". - "简直便宜得可以忽略不计" means "literally cheap enough to be negligible".<p>Sure, here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html </p> <p>我个人非常喜欢QuillBot Flow,以及它提供的整套令人惊叹的写作工具。</p> ```<p>```html </p> <p>个人而言,它的UI和UX非常简单易用。因此,我想与大家分享这款出色且高效的工具。一定要试试看,并在日常写作任务中使用它。</p> ``` <p>Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html </p> <p>它实际上是一个面向所有人的一站式写作生产工具。</p> ```<p>To translate the text "" to simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure, you would write it as follows: ```html <a href=""></a> ``` This HTML code creates a link to the URL "" and displays the same text as the clickable link.</p> <figure class="qg qh qi qj qk mn mf mg paragraph-image"><div class="mf mg ql"><picture><img alt="" class="bg lm ms c" width="700" height="311" loading="lazy" role="presentation" src="/posts/0%24d1OGCnGHR9WIv9OO.png"></picture></div> <figcaption class="mt fe mu mf mg mv mw be b bf z dt">Best Productivity Writing tool for this month</figcaption></figure><p>Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 我真的坚持你去尝试上述的工具。相信我,你使用这些工具不会后悔,以后会感谢我。 ``` This HTML code preserves the structure while presenting the translated text in simplified Chinese.</p> <p>Certainly! Here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html </p> <p>让我们开始吧-</p> ```<h1>Certainly! Here's the translation of "[1] T.A.G:" into simplified Chinese, while maintaining the HTML structure: ```html <span>[1] T.A.G:</span> ``` In this translation: - `<span>` is used to enclose the text, maintaining the inline structure typical in HTML. - "T.A.G" is transliterated into Chinese characters as "T.A.G" since it's often represented phonetically in such cases.</span> </h1> <p>Sure, here is the translation of "TASK: Define your task" in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html <span lang="zh-CN">任务:</span>定义你的任务 ``` In this HTML snippet: - `<span lang="zh-CN">任务:</span>` specifies the text "任务:" (which means "TASK:" in English) with the language attribute indicating simplified Chinese. - `定义你的任务` translates to "Define your task" in simplified Chinese.</p> <p>Sure, here is the translation of "ACTION: Describe the steps" into simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure: ```html <span lang="zh-CN">动作:</span><span lang="en">Describe the steps</span> ``` In this HTML snippet: - `<span lang="zh-CN">动作:</span>` represents "ACTION:" in simplified Chinese. - `<span lang="en">Describe the steps</span>` keeps the English text "Describe the steps" in the document.</p> <p>Sure, here's how you could write "GOAL: Explain your end goal." in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html <span>目标:</span><span>解释你的最终目标。</span> ``` This HTML code maintains the original structure and provides the translation in simplified Chinese.</p> <figure class="qg qh qi qj qk mn mf mg paragraph-image"><div role="button" tabindex="0" class="mo mp fi mq bg mr"><div class="mf mg qz"><picture><img alt="" class="bg lm ms c" width="700" height="262" loading="eager" role="presentation" src="/posts/1%24ezeHQIdXVO7O2oWlspNf8A.png"></picture></div></div></figure><h1>Sure, here is the translation of "[2] RISE" into simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html <span>[2] <span lang="zh">上升</span></span> ``` In this translation: - `[2]` remains in English as it is a label or identifier. - `<span lang="zh">上升</span>` provides the translation of "RISE" into simplified Chinese characters.</h1> <p>Sure, here's the translation of "ROLE: Specify the Role" into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html <span>角色:</span><span>指定角色</span> ``` In this HTML snippet: - `<span>角色:</span>` represents "ROLE:" - `<span>指定角色</span>` represents "Specify the Role"</p> <p>Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese while maintaining the HTML structure: ```html 描述信息或资源 ```</p> <p>Sure, here's the text translated into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html <span>步骤:</span><span>请求详细步骤</span> ``` In this HTML snippet: - `<span>步骤:</span>` represents "STEPS:" in Chinese. - `<span>请求详细步骤</span>` represents "Ask for detailed steps" in Chinese.</p> <p>Sure, here's the text translated into simplified Chinese while maintaining HTML structure: ```html <span>期望:</span><span>描述所期望的结果。</span> ``` In this HTML snippet: - `<span>` tags are used to segment and style each part of the text. - The English text "EXPECTATIONS:" is translated to "期望:". - "Describe the desired result." is translated to "描述所期望的结果。".</span></p> <figure class="qg qh qi qj qk mn mf mg paragraph-image"><div role="button" tabindex="0" class="mo mp fi mq bg mr"><div class="mf mg ra"><picture><img alt="" class="bg lm ms c" width="700" height="342" loading="lazy" role="presentation" src="/posts/1%24smilapyBE0nIV9jDUeCX7w.png"></picture></div></div></figure><h1>Certainly! Here's the translation of "[3] ERA" in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html <span>[3] ERA</span> ``` In simplified Chinese, it would be: ```html <span>[3] ERA</span> ``` If you need the actual Chinese characters for "ERA" (时代 or 纪元), please let me know!</h1> <p>Sure, here's the translation of "EXPECTATIONS: Describe the desired result." in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html <span>期望:</span><span>描述所期望的结果。</span> ```</p> <p>Sure, here's the translation of "ROLE: Specify the Role" into simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html <span>角色:</span>指定角色 ``` In this HTML snippet: - `<span>角色:</span>` represents "ROLE:" in Chinese. - `"指定角色"` is the translation of "Specify the Role".</p> <p>Certainly! Here is the translation in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html <span>ACTION: 指明需要采取的行动。</span> ```</p> <figure class="qg qh qi qj qk mn mf mg paragraph-image"><div role="button" tabindex="0" class="mo mp fi mq bg mr"><div class="mf mg rb"><picture><img alt="" class="bg lm ms c" width="700" height="262" loading="lazy" role="presentation" src="/posts/1%247Gza4y4lFOUoPpTLdv3BpQ.png"></picture></div></div></figure><h1>Sure, here is the translation in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html [4] <span lang="zh-CN">比赛</span> ``` In this translation: - `[4]` remains unchanged as it appears to be a label or section identifier. - `<span lang="zh-CN">比赛</span>` introduces the Chinese translation of "RACE". The `lang="zh-CN"` attribute specifies the language as simplified Chinese.</h1> <p>Certainly! Here's the translation of "ROLE: Specify the role." in simplified Chinese, while maintaining the HTML structure: ```html <span>角色:</span>指定角色。 ``` In this translation: - `<span>` is used to wrap the text "角色:" (which means "ROLE:"). - The Chinese text "指定角色。" directly translates to "Specify the role."</span></p> <p>Sure, here's the translation of "ACTION: Detail what action is needed." in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html <span lang="zh-CN">行动:</span>详细说明所需的行动。 ``` This HTML snippet ensures the text "ACTION:" is in simplified Chinese and the rest of the sentence remains in English.</p> <p>Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html </p> <div> <h2>CONTEXT: 提供相关情境细节。</h2> <h2>EXPECTATION: 描述预期结果。</h2> </div> ``` This HTML structure maintains the separation and formatting of the original text while presenting it in simplified Chinese.<figure class="qg qh qi qj qk mn mf mg paragraph-image"><div role="button" tabindex="0" class="mo mp fi mq bg mr"><div class="mf mg rc"><picture><img alt="" class="bg lm ms c" width="700" height="243" loading="lazy" role="presentation" src="/posts/1%24h6ZHd9fuUTNrVUEwk99NqA.png"></picture></div></div></figure><h1>Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html [5] <span lang="zh-CN">猿</span> ``` This HTML snippet represents "[5] 猿" where "猿" translates to "ape" in English.</h1> <p>Sure, here's the text translated into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html <span lang="zh-CN">行动:定义要完成的工作或活动。</span> ```</p> <p>Sure, here's how you could write "PURPOSE: Discuss the intention or goal." in simplified Chinese while maintaining the HTML structure: ```html </p> <p>PURPOSE: 讨论意图或目标。</p> ```<p>Sure, here is the translation in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure: ```html <span>期望:</span>阐明所期望的结果。 ``` In this HTML snippet: - `<span>` is used to encapsulate the text "期望:" which means "Expectation:". - The Chinese translation "阐明所期望的结果。" corresponds to "State the desired outcome."</span></p> <figure class="qg qh qi qj qk mn mf mg paragraph-image"><div role="button" tabindex="0" class="mo mp fi mq bg mr"><div class="mf mg rd"><picture><img alt="" class="bg lm ms c" width="700" height="239" loading="lazy" role="presentation" src="/posts/1%24Lyl5S-l7Pn3kFQNfEXarPQ.png"></picture></div></div></figure><h1>Certainly! Here's the translation of "[6] CARE" into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html <span>[6] CARE</span> ``` In simplified Chinese: ```html <span>[6] 关心</span> ``` This HTML structure maintains the formatting while presenting the translated text.</h1> <p>Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html </p> <p>上下文:为聊天设定舞台或背景。</p> ```<p>Certainly! Here's the translation of "ACTION: Describe what you want to be done." in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure: ```html <span>ACTION: 描述您希望完成的任务。</span> ``` In this HTML snippet, the text "ACTION: 描述您希望完成的任务。" is wrapped in a `<span>` tag to maintain the structure.</span></p> <p>Sure, here's the translation of "RESULT: Describe the desired outcome." in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure: ```html <span lang="zh-CN">结果:描述所期望的结果。</span> ```</p> <p>Sure, here's how you can write that in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html </p> <p>例子:给一个例子来说明你的观点。</p> ``` This HTML snippet will display the phrase "例子:给一个例子来说明你的观点。" in simplified Chinese.<figure class="qg qh qi qj qk mn mf mg paragraph-image"><div role="button" tabindex="0" class="mo mp fi mq bg mr"><div class="mf mg re"><picture><img alt="" class="bg lm ms c" width="700" height="282" loading="lazy" role="presentation" src="/posts/1%24Yau3JcFHJtl7FV2hhYyFrQ.png"></picture></div></div></figure><p>Sure, here is the translation of the text into simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure: ```html </p> <p>使用这些提示框架,亲自体验输出的不同。你会感到惊讶的。</p> ``` In this HTML snippet: - `<p>` is used to enclose the translated text, representing a paragraph in HTML. - The Chinese text is inserted directly between the `</p> <p>` tags, providing a simple translation of the original English text.</p> <h1>Sure, here's the translation of "TO SUM IT UP" in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html <span lang="zh-CN">总结一下</span> ``` In this HTML snippet: - `<span>` is used to wrap the text and apply language-specific formatting. - `lang="zh-CN"` indicates simplified Chinese language. - `"总结一下"` is the translation for "TO SUM IT UP" in simplified Chinese characters.</span> </h1> <p>Sure, here's the translation of your text into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html </p> <p>在使用ChatGPT释放其全部潜力时,您需要了解某些框架和模板。这6个框架肯定会帮助您从ChatGPT或者事实上任何其他工具中获得最佳结果。</p> ``` Translated text: ``` 在使用ChatGPT释放其全部潜力时,您需要了解某些框架和模板。这6个框架肯定会帮助您从ChatGPT或者事实上任何其他工具中获得最佳结果。 ``` This translation maintains the structure and meaning of your original English text.<p>请随时联系我,如果您需要帮助或有其他事情需要解决。我随时在此等候。</p> <p>Sure, here's how you can write "Who Am I?" in simplified Chinese within an HTML structure: ```html </p> <p>我是谁?</p> ``` In this HTML snippet: - `<p>` is used for a paragraph tag to denote the text. - `"我是谁?"` is the simplified Chinese translation of "Who Am I?"</p> <p>Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html </p> <p>拥有超过5年的经验,曾任美国运通云顾问(云和基础设施运营团队,印度),在Nutanix担任SRE(DevOps),以及超过7年的自由技术撰稿人经验。我热爱撰写技术相关的内容,包括人工智能和ChatGPT趋势,帮助读者充分发挥他们的潜力。</p> ``` This HTML snippet translates the given English text into simplified Chinese, maintaining the original structure.<p>Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html </p> <p>我热衷于创作涵盖广泛技术主题并跟上人工智能和ChatGPT最新发展的内容,以促进个人和职业成长。</p> ``` In this translation: - "我热衷于" translates to "I have a passion for". - "创作涵盖广泛技术主题" means "producing content on a wide range of technical subjects". - "并跟上" translates to "and keeping abreast of". - "人工智能和ChatGPT最新发展" means "the latest developments in artificial intelligence and ChatGPT". - "以促进个人和职业成长" translates to "for personal and professional growth".<p>Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html </p> <p>如果您还没有在LinkedIn上连接我,我真的很希望能与您建立联系。</p> ```<p>To translate the English text to simplified Chinese and keep the HTML structure intact, you can use the following: ```html </p> <p>我会分享更多帖子,并与全球优秀的AI和ChatGPT创作者社区积极互动。很高兴能在那里与你们联系、互动并交流。</p> ``` This HTML snippet translates the English text into simplified Chinese, maintaining the original structure.<p>I'm unable to directly access or translate web pages or URLs. However, if you provide me with the text you want translated, I can certainly help with that!</p> <p>Sure, here is the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html </p> <p>订阅并加入我的免费Medium通讯,拥有近34,000名成员,永远不会错过任何让你更聪明更高效的教程和故事。</p> ``` In simplified Chinese, the translated text means: "Subscribe and join my free Medium newsletter with nearly 34,000 members, and you will never miss any tutorials and stories that make you smarter and more efficient."<p>Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while maintaining the HTML structure: ```html </p> <p>P.S — 我也提供自由职业/合同技术写作、幽灵写作和人工智能咨询服务。如果您需要帮助生成出色的内容或需要关于如何生成出色内容的帮助,请随时通过LinkedIn联系我。我可以帮助您解决所有问题。让我们在LinkedIn上建立联系,进一步交流,或者通过电子邮件联系我,邮箱是,告诉我您的需求。</p> ``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text in simplified Chinese.<p>Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 获得免费访问超过50个无价的AI和ChatGPT技巧、窍门、和指南,助您在个人和职业日常任务中通过AI实现卓越。以下是访问和免费使用它们的链接。 ``` This HTML can be embedded into your webpage to display the translated content.</p> <p>Certainly! Here's the translation of the text "" into simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html <a href="" target="_blank">点击此处获取ChatGPT AI指南</a> ``` This HTML code will display a hyperlink in simplified Chinese, directing users to the specified URL for the ChatGPT AI guides.</p> <figure class="qg qh qi qj qk mn mf mg paragraph-image"><div role="button" tabindex="0" class="mo mp fi mq bg mr"><div class="mf mg se"><picture><img alt="" class="bg lm ms c" width="700" height="819" loading="lazy" role="presentation" src="/posts/1%24AcUl-BUTB325UH0k5pPYYw.png"></picture></div></div></figure><p>Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 这里是大家期待已久的轮播图,可以与您的朋友和同事一起使用和分享。如果您需要此轮播图的PDF版本,请在评论中告诉我,我会立即发送下载链接给您。 ``` This HTML snippet maintains the structure for integration into web content while presenting the translated text in simplified Chinese.</p>

2024-07-22 04:17:57 AI中文站翻译自原文