To translate "Build Local AI Chatbot from Files, Edit and Branch, and UI improvements" into simplified Chinese while keeping HTML structure, you can use the following code: ```html 建立本地AI聊天机器人从文件,编辑和分支,并改进用户界面 ``` This code maintains the HTML structure while providing the translated text in simplified Chinese.

Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 我们在六月为 RecurseChat 带来了一些功能丰富的更新,包括与文件夹聊天、编辑和分支功能,以及界面改进,如流畅动画、消息气泡和模型复制。以下是新功能和增强功能的概述: ``` This text maintains the same structure and content while translating the message into simplified Chinese.
在保留HTML结构的情况下,将英文文本“Build Local AI Chatbot from Files”翻译为简体中文。
Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html
``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text in simplified Chinese with the same structure as the original English text.Here is the translation in Simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure: ```html
我们已经听取了您的反馈,并增加了从文件创建自定义聊天机器人的功能。如果您熟悉 GPT 商店或 OpenAI Assistant API,您可以将此功能视为您拥有一个本地优先的助手 / GPT 构建器。基本上,您可以轻松地从本地文件中构建聊天机器人,并在离线和私密的环境中与它们进行对话。
```Sure, here's the translation of the English text into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 为了演示这一功能,我们将向您展示创建海军聊天机器人有多么简单。选择一个模型,比如Llama 3,前往模型定制页面,定制名称和头像,然后将Naval Ravikant的《阿尔曼纳克》PDF文件拖放到模型定制界面上。您已经完成了! ``` This HTML structure maintains the original content while providing the simplified Chinese translation.
Sure, here is the simplified Chinese translation of your text: 每次您与海军聊天机器人对话时,它都会参考这本书。现在,您可以随时离线、私密地获取海军的智慧。但是,如果您希望与其他文件集进行对话,或者不再希望与这些文件进行对话,您可以复制这个模型并根据自己的需求进行定制。
Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 与文件夹聊天 ```
Sure, here is the translation of the text into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html
``` Translated text: ```html模型文件定制是一个强大的功能。它不仅适用于多个文件,还适用于文件夹。对于一个大文件夹来说,可能需要几分钟来索引文件,但一旦完成,未来与文件夹的交互将会非常快。
```Sure, here is the text translated into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 这里,我正在使用本地运行的Llama 3模型查询我整个黑曜石库(800多个文件)。该模型能够从RecurseChat发布说明中检索相关信息,并为我提供所需的信息。 ``` This HTML code can be used to display the translated Chinese text while maintaining the structure of the original HTML document.
Sure, here is the translation of "Edit and Branch" into simplified Chinese, while maintaining HTML structure: ```html 编辑和分支 ``` This HTML code preserves the original text "Edit and Branch" in English, while also providing its translation in simplified Chinese.
在 RecurseChat 发布以来,编辑消息和分支功能一直是用户强烈要求的功能。我们已经添加了编辑和分支消息的能力,就像您在在线提供商中熟悉的功能一样。
Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 你可以深入一个话题,也可以在对话中间改变话题或提示,探索不同的方向,然后回到分支点,继续之前的对话。 ``` This HTML structure will display the translated Chinese text while maintaining the format for web or document rendering.
Certainly! Here's the translation of "Imported branch" in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 进口分支 ```
在保持HTML结构的情况下,将以下英文文本翻译为简体中文: 值得注意的是,您新导入的ChatGPT聊天记录也保留了分支。您可以编辑和分支您导入的ChatGPT历史记录,也可以使用本地模型继续与ChatGPT的对话。
Sure, the simplified Chinese translation for "UI Improvements" while keeping the HTML structure intact would be: ```html 界面改进 ``` This HTML snippet maintains the text "UI Improvements" but provides its simplified Chinese translation enclosed within a `` element with the `lang` attribute set to `zh-CN` for specifying Simplified Chinese language.
Sure, the translation of "Streaming Animation" into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure would be: ```html 流媒体动画 ```
Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html
``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text in simplified Chinese, suitable for embedding into a webpage.Sure, here is the text translated into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html
``` This HTML snippet preserves the structure and translates the text accordingly.Sure, the translation of "Message Bubbles" into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure would look like this: ```html 消息气泡 ```
Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, while maintaining HTML structure: ```html
``` In Chinese: ```html熟悉消息应用程序中的消息气泡吗?我们已经将消息气泡添加到 RecurseChat 界面,以使聊天体验更加用户友好。消息气泡帮助您轻松区分您的消息和 AI 的回复。
``` This HTML snippet maintains the original structure while presenting the translated text in simplified Chinese.To translate the English text "You can also customize the message bubbles in the dropdown to suit your preferences." to simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact, you can use the following: ```html 你也可以根据自己的喜好定制下拉菜单中的消息气泡。 ``` This HTML structure ensures that the translated text appears correctly in a web context while displaying simplified Chinese characters.

Sure, here's the translation of "Duplicating models" into simplified Chinese, while maintaining HTML structure: ```html 复制模型 ```
在保持HTML结构的情况下,将“Ending notes”翻译为简体中文。
Certainly! Here's how you can structure the HTML while translating the text into simplified Chinese: ```html
希望您喜欢我们在六月为 RecurseChat 带来的新功能和改进。我们还在积极开发更多功能,很快将发布。请继续关注更多更新!
``` In this HTML snippet: - `` tags are used to enclose the translated text, assuming it's a paragraph of content. - The English text is translated into simplified Chinese within the `
` tags.
Sure, here's the translation of your text into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 我们很乐意听取您的反馈和建议,以及如何让 RecurseChat 对您更加有用。请随时通过 X 或电子邮件与我们联系。 ``` This HTML structure maintains the English text but translates it into simplified Chinese, ready to be integrated into your webpage or application.
To translate "[1]: Link to blog:" into simplified Chinese while keeping HTML structure, you can use the following: ```html [1]: 链接到recurse.chat博客: ``` This HTML code will maintain the structure and provide the translated text in simplified Chinese.