Sure, here's the text translated into simplified Chinese, while maintaining HTML structure: ```html 将传统的Visual Basic桌面应用无缝转换为最新的.NET Web解决方案 ```

Sure, here's "Introduction" translated to simplified Chinese while maintaining HTML structure: ```html
```Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, formatted in HTML structure: ```html
本文讨论将传统的 Visual Basic 项目转换为基于 Web 的应用程序,特别是那些在 2008 年之前开发的项目,现在需要整合现代商业需求的情况。这些老旧系统很难扩展和升级,同时由于缺乏安全补丁和维护,可能存在安全风险。本文展示了如何通过有效利用生成式人工智能,将传统系统迁移到现代的 Web 系统,例如.NET MVC 应用程序,从而最大限度地减少技术债务和开发时间。
``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text in simplified Chinese while maintaining the structure for web display.Sure, here's the translation of "Benefits of Choosing Web Applications Over Desktop Applications" into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 选择Web应用程序而不是桌面应用程序的好处 ```
```Sure, here's the translation of the provided text into simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 此外,在基于 Web 的应用程序中,数据管理和集成比桌面应用程序更容易。数据存储在中心位置,保持一致并且可以实时访问。与其他基于 Web 的服务和 API 的集成也更简单,允许系统通过额外的功能(如支付网关、社交媒体平台等)扩展其能力,而不会带来重大额外困难。 ``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text in simplified Chinese.
To translate "Action Plans" to simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure, you can use the following: ```html 行动计划 ``` This HTML snippet ensures that the text "Action Plans" is replaced with its simplified Chinese translation "行动计划", and the `lang="zh-CN"` attribute indicates the language of the content for browsers and search engines.
保持HTML结构,将以下英文文本翻译为简体中文: 解析Visual Basic代码:
Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html
整个过程始于从GitHub获取一个旧版的Visual Basic项目。找到项目后,我们在Visual Studio中启动项目来检查它。然而,首要任务是根据Visual Basic项目中指定的要求配置数据库连接,以确保所有的数据操作正常工作。数据库连接成功后,我们运行项目以完全了解其流程和功能。这一步骤非常关键,因为它帮助我们熟悉现有的代码库并识别关键组件。
``` This HTML preserves the structure while displaying the translated text in simplified Chinese.Certainly! The simplified Chinese translation for "Environment Setup for .NET-8 Application:" while keeping the HTML structure intact would be: ```html
为了在.NET 8中设置环境,需要完成几个关键步骤,以确保从Visual Basic到.NET的平稳过渡。首先,我们安装了.NET 8 SDK,并创建了一个新的MVC Web应用程序,用于重设计划中的现有应用程序。为了改善应用程序的功能并提供一流的用户体验,我们集成了最新版本的Bootstrap用于响应式设计,DataTablesJS用于复杂表格交互,以及jQuery用于其他前端逻辑。至于数据库操作,我们从NuGet包管理器中安装了Entity Framework包及其依赖项。
``` This HTML structure preserves the text content while ensuring it can be easily styled and displayed in a web context.Sure, here's the translation of "Code Conversion" into simplified Chinese, keeping HTML structure: ```html
``` This HTML snippet will display "代码转换:" in a browser, which translates to "Code Conversion:" in English.Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure: ```html
代码转换阶段是转换真正成形的阶段。我们为ChatGPT编写了一份详细的提示,其中包含逐步指导,以帮助我们将Visual Basic代码转换为现代.NET组件。这包括创建数据库模型、服务及其接口,以及控制器代码。此外,我们还指示ChatGPT将传统UI(桌面UI)转换为响应式HTML、CSS和Bootstrap设计。这种自动化技术在实施新的Web标准的同时保持了遗留功能,并创建了一个强大而用户友好的Web应用程序。
``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text in simplified Chinese as requested.在保持HTML结构的前提下,将以下英文文本翻译为简体中文: 可用选项及其限制
Sure, here's the translation of "Visual Basic Upgrade Companion (VBUC)" into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html Visual Basic Upgrade Companion (VBUC) ``` This HTML snippet ensures that the text "Visual Basic Upgrade Companion (VBUC)" is displayed in simplified Chinese on a webpage, maintaining proper language tagging for web standards.
Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html
Sure, the translation of "Migration Partner:" into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure would be: ```html 迁移合作伙伴: ```
Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, formatted in HTML structure: ```html
Migration Partner 是一个旨在帮助将 Visual Basic 应用迁移到.NET 的工具。与 VBUC 类似,它专注于将 VB 代码转换为与.NET 兼容的代码,用于创建桌面应用程序。Migration Partner 提供工具和支持,以便更轻松地进行过渡,但它不会自动将桌面程序转换为 Web 应用程序。开发人员需要进一步进行定制,如升级用户界面并集成所需的 Web 技术和框架。
``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text in simplified Chinese while preserving the structure for web content.Certainly! Here's the translation of "Code Converter (VB — C#) Extension:" in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 代码转换器(VB — C#)扩展: ```
Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 像VBUC和迁移合作伙伴一样,代码转换器是一种专门设计用于将Visual Basic代码转换为C#的工具,重点是桌面应用程序。它不支持从桌面应用程序向Web应用程序的过渡。这使其不适用于需要从桌面应用程序转向现代基于Web的解决方案的情况。 ``` This translation maintains the original structure and content of the English text.
Sure, here's the translation of the text into simplified Chinese while maintaining HTML structure: ```html
总之,VBUC、迁移伙伴和代码转换器(VB — C#)可以将Visual Basic桌面应用程序转换为.NET桌面应用程序,但不能直接转换为.NET Web应用程序。
```Sure, here's how you can translate "Our Strategies to the Transition" into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 我们的过渡战略 ``` This HTML snippet retains the structure while displaying the translated Chinese text.
在解剖 Visual Basic 代码过程中,我们发现应用程序的每个组件都有两个部分类。一个是[name].cs,另一个是[name].Designer.cs。[name].cs 文件包含核心后端逻辑和数据库操作。而[name].Designer.cs 文件则包含桌面应用程序界面的蓝图。
Sure, here's the translation: 步骤1:制作提示
To translate "ChatGPT version: ChatGPT 4" to simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact, you would use the following: ```html ChatGPT 版本: ChatGPT 4 ``` In this HTML snippet, the text "ChatGPT 版本: ChatGPT 4" is enclosed within a `` tag, which maintains the structure of the text while allowing for translation.
```html 在提示中,已经指派AI助手来将传统的Visual Basic代码转换为现代的C#,并使用.NET 8。首要和初始的指令是处理和分析*.vb和*.Designer.vb文件。*.vb文件包含基础逻辑和数据库操作,还需研究以提取数据库模型、接口、相关服务实现和控制器。此外,还要检查这些文件中集成的SQL查询,以确保生成的数据库模型准确且高效。*.Designer.vb文件则包含用户界面,将转换为使用HTML、Bootstrap、CSS和jQuery的网页兼容格式。特别关注处理表格,因为它们会转换为动态的DataTables。 ```
Sure, here is the text "Prompt:" translated into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html
``` In this translation: - `` denotes a paragraph in HTML. - `提示:` means "Prompt:" in simplified Chinese.
Sure, the translation of "Response Format:" to simplified Chinese while keeping HTML structure intact would be: ```html 响应格式: ```
Step 2: Feeding the files 第二步:输入文件
```html 在这一步骤中,我使用了两种不同类型的文件来供给ChatGPT处理:*.vb 和 *.Designer.vb 文件。*.vb 文件用于创建后端代码,其中包括数据库模型、服务接口、服务实现以及控制器代码。这一步骤至关重要,可以确保将旧系统的逻辑正确地转换到新的C#框架中。与此同时,.Designer.vb 文件用于生成前端代码,包括创建HTML结构、使用CSS进行样式设计、集成Bootstrap实现响应式设计,以及使用Datatables改进交互式数据展示。这种双重关注使得ChatGPT能够处理计算逻辑和用户界面,成为更新传统系统的综合解决方案。 ```

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 正如您所见,它为我提供了数据库模型、带有方法名称的服务接口、接口的实现、控制器代码以及网站顶层 UI 代码。 ``` This HTML structure ensures the text remains properly formatted and can be displayed correctly in web environments.
Sure, the translation of "Challenges" into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact would look like this: ```html 挑战 ``` This HTML snippet retains the language attribute (`lang="zh-CN"`) to specify simplified Chinese and wraps the translated text "挑战" within a `` element, preserving the structure.
``` This HTML structure preserves the text while providing the translation to simplified Chinese.Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese while maintaining HTML structure: ```html 时间使用ChatGPT: ``` This translates the phrase "Time spent using ChatGPT:" into simplified Chinese.
Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html
``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text in simplified Chinese.Here's the translation of "Result" to Simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure: ```html 结果 ```
Sure, here is the translation in simplified Chinese while maintaining HTML structure: ```html Visual Basic 桌面应用程序: ``` In this HTML snippet: - `` is used to mark a section of text with a different language (`lang="zh-CN"` specifies simplified Chinese). - "Visual Basic 桌面应用程序:" translates to "Visual Basic Desktop Application:".

Sure, here's the translation of ".NET MVC web application" into simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure: ```html .NET MVC 网络应用程序 ``` This HTML structure ensures that the text is marked as simplified Chinese for proper rendering and accessibility.

To translate "Conclusions" to simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact, you would use the following:
In this translation:
- `` and ` ` are HTML tags to enclose the translated text.
- "结论" is the simplified Chinese translation for "Conclusions".
Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese: 在这篇文章中,我们成功展示了如何将传统的Visual Basic桌面应用顺利过渡到.NET Web应用程序。生成式人工智能不仅使这一过程变得简单,而且显著减少了开发时间。这也证明了,在正确的指导和信息下,我们可以利用生成式人工智能的力量来简化繁琐且耗时的任务,例如创建彼此相互依赖的复杂用户界面。