To translate "AI, On-Demand Generation, and How They’re Corroding E-Commerces" into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact, you can use the following: ```html AI,按需生成和它们如何侵蚀电商 ``` This HTML snippet maintains the structure while presenting the translated text in simplified Chinese.

Introduction: 供需失衡

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 看到由人工智能生成的内容侵蚀社交媒体内容已经不再令人惊讶,但我仍然惊讶地看到像Redbubble和Amazon Merch这样的电商网站上充斥着大量冗余的人工智能生成T恤出售。随着生成式人工智能开始打破供需平衡,我想知道最终的结果会是什么样子。这是一段关于生成式人工智能、供过于求、按需生成以及传统市场转型的记录。 ``` This translation preserves the structure of the HTML while conveying the meaning accurately in simplified Chinese.

Sure, here's the translation of "The Old Days: Supply, Demand, and Manipulating Recommendation" into simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 旧时光:供应、需求和操纵推荐 ```


To translate the provided English text into simplified Chinese while maintaining the HTML structure, you can use the following: ```html


``` This HTML structure preserves the text formatting and ensures the Chinese translation is properly displayed.

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while maintaining HTML structure: ```html Generative AI: 为何推荐,而不是合成? ``` In this HTML snippet: - `` is used to specify that the enclosed text is in simplified Chinese. - The translated text "为何推荐,而不是合成?" corresponds to "Generative AI: Why Recommend When You Can Synthesize?"

To translate the provided English text into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact, you can use the following: ```html

想象一个场景,电子商务和内容平台被AI生成的内容淹没。一个有99% AI生成内容的平台与一个能生成文章、海报,甚至短视频的多模式LLM有何不同?

``` This HTML snippet translates the text as requested. Here's the translation in plain text for reference: 想象一个场景,电子商务和内容平台被AI生成的内容淹没。一个有99% AI生成内容的平台与一个能生成文章、海报,甚至短视频的多模式LLM有何不同?

Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, while maintaining HTML structure: ```html 如果谷歌,整个互联网的索引者,感觉到来自ChatGPT的威胁;那么其他内容平台,其文本和基于图像的内容供应远远有限,可能应该更加关注。 ``` This HTML structure retains the original sentence but translates it into simplified Chinese, addressing the meaning of the English text provided.

Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese: 一步之遥:电子商务中的按需生成,以及“切割火鸡 T 恤”的洪流

Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 打印按需平台如亚马逊、Teespring和Redbubble可能是现实世界中最先受到影响的一个点。这些平台允许艺术家批量上传所有的艺术作品,这些平台会将他们的设计转化为T恤模型进行销售,仅在收到真实顾客订单后才制造产品。 ``` Make sure to use proper HTML tags when integrating this translated text into your webpage.

Sure, here's the simplified Chinese translation while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html

那也被生成AI所淹没。精明的企业家正在利用分析工具识别供应不足的关键词,并迅速用AI生成的设计占领它们。(是的,中间那个确实说“切火鸡”)。在我看来,这相当于反乌托邦 – 其他产品类别在被AI主导之前还有多久呢?

``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text in simplified Chinese, maintaining the structure provided.


HTML doesn't require translation, but if you want to include the translated text within an HTML structure, it would look like this: ```html


``` In this HTML snippet: - `

` indicates a paragraph tag. - `即将到来:` is the simplified Chinese translation of "Soon, there will be:".

Sure, here's the simplified Chinese translation of the text while keeping the HTML structure: ```html Multi-modal AI agents that can understand much more complicated user demands, categorizing them into millions of niche markets and quantifiable tags ``` Translated to simplified Chinese: ```html 能够理解更复杂用户需求的多模态AI代理,将它们分类到数百万个细分市场和可量化的标签中 ``` This translation maintains the original meaning while adhering to the HTML structure provided.

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html



Sure, here's the translation of the phrase "Generative AI agents that saturate every inch of these previously under-supplied markets" into simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html Generative AI agents that saturate every inch of these previously under-supplied markets ``` And the simplified Chinese text within the HTML structure: ```html 饱和先前供应不足市场的每一个角落的生成AI代理 ``` This translation maintains the original meaning while ensuring it fits within the specified HTML structure.

Sure, here's the translation of the English text into simplified Chinese, maintaining the HTML structure: ```html

近期未来一瞥:突破供需曲线 & 点播世代的演变

``` Is there anything else you would like to know or need help with?

在保持HTML结构的情况下,将以下英文文本翻译成简体中文: 尽管上述推测可能有些牵强,我们仍然可以对近期未来有一些期待:

Sure, here's the simplified Chinese translation keeping the HTML structure: ```html



Sure, here is the text "Appreciation of attention, influence, and trust" translated into simplified Chinese while keeping HTML structure: ```html 关注、影响力和信任的赞赏 ``` This HTML snippet maintains the structure and semantics of the original English text while presenting it in simplified Chinese.


在保持HTML结构的情况下,将以下英文文本翻译为简体中文: - 个性化和定制化成为新趋势

在HTML结构中保持不变,将以下英文文本翻译为简体中文: - 文字和图像内容平台比视频平台面临更加迫在眉睫的危险。

Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html



Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese: 那么你应该开始检测和清理人工智能生成的内容,还是开始开发内部按需生成的解决方案?我很想听听你的想法。如果需要与某人交流想法,请随时通过 联系我。

Sure, here's the text translated into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html


``` This HTML code preserves the structure of the original English text and provides the simplified Chinese translation.

2024-06-25 05:08:04 AI中文站翻译自原文