Sure, here's the translation of the text into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html AI: AI工厂:在医疗与更多领域的影响。RTZ #391 ``` In this HTML snippet: - `` is used to indicate that the text inside is in simplified Chinese. - The text "AI工厂:在医疗与更多领域的影响。RTZ #391" is the translated content. Make sure to properly set the encoding of your HTML file to UTF-8 to ensure that Chinese characters display correctly.
Sure, here is the translation of the text into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html
``` Let me know if you need any further assistance!![](/posts/0%245o5jX4rPf6YyDr4X.gif)
Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html
```Sure, here's how you can translate that sentence into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html
在Nvidia的GTC 2024活动的周一主题演讲中,CEO黄仁勋一再提到“AI工厂”这一词汇。
``` In this HTML snippet: - `` denotes a paragraph tag, used for structuring text content in HTML. - The Chinese text provided is a translation of the given English sentence. Make sure to use proper encoding and ensure your HTML document is set to display Chinese characters correctly, typically using `` in the `
` section of your HTML document.Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html
Sure, here is the translation of the text into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html
他比较这一过程 — 将原材料转化为具有价值的其他物品 — 与数据中心的概念相对比,后者纯粹是金钱的陷阱。“在这些[服务器]房间里正在发生一场新的工业革命:我称之为AI工厂”,黄仁勋说。“进去的原材料是数据和电力。产出的是数据代币。这种代币是无形的,并将分布到世界各地。它非常有价值。”
``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text in simplified Chinese, preserving the original HTML structure for embedding in a web page or document.Certainly! Here is the translation of the provided text into simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure: ```html
在一个世界中,Nvidia 如果能说服公司以不同的方式思考数据中心和人工智能工具,这种区分就有很多意义。
``` This HTML maintains the original structure of the text while providing the translation in simplified Chinese.Sure, here is the translation of the provided text into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html
那个短语“AI工厂”听起来很抽象,直到可能在《纽约时报》的“How A.I. Is Revolutionizing Drug Development”中读到这句话:
``` This HTML snippet translates the English text into simplified Chinese, maintaining the original structure.Sure, here's the translation of the text into simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure: ```html
``` In simplified Chinese characters: "在高科技实验室中,工作者们正在生成数据,用于训练人工智能算法,以更快速地设计更好的药物。但这一转变才刚刚开始。"Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, maintaining the HTML structure: ```html
Terray Therapeutics实验室是一首微型自动化的交响曲。机器人嗡嗡作响,穿梭着装满液体的小试管到各自的工作站。穿着蓝色外套、无菌手套和防护眼镜的科学家们在监控这些机器。
``` This translates to: ```htmlTerray Therapeutics实验室是一首微型自动化的交响曲。机器人嗡嗡作响,穿梭着装满液体的小试管到各自的工作站。穿着蓝色外套、无菌手套和防护眼镜的科学家们在监控这些机器。
``` Please note that the HTML tags `` are used here to indicate a paragraph. Adjust the HTML structure as needed for your specific use case.
Here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure: ```html
但真正的行动发生在纳米尺度:溶液中的蛋白质与定制硅芯片上微小井中的化学分子结合,这些芯片就像微观的马芬烤盘。每一次相互作用都被记录下来,每天数以百万计,产生50 TB的原始数据每天 — 相当于超过12,000部电影。
``` Translated text: "但真正的行动发生在纳米尺度:溶液中的蛋白质与定制硅芯片上微小井中的化学分子结合,这些芯片就像微观的马芬烤盘。每一次相互作用都被记录下来,每天数以百万计,产生50 TB的原始数据每天 — 相当于超过12,000部电影。"Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html
``` Translated text: 这个实验室位于加利福尼亚州蒙罗维亚市,占地面积约为足球场的三分之二,是一个人工智能辅助药物发现和开发的数据工厂。它是一波年轻公司和初创企业中的一部分,试图利用人工智能更快地生产更有效的药物。Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure: ```html 整篇文章都值得一读,以了解像谷歌/Alphabet的Deepmind这样的大科技公司的创新所带来的创新范围,尤其是在AI技术浪潮的早期,Alphafold 3的最新版本。正如纽约时报继续解释的那样: ``` This HTML snippet will display the translated Chinese text while maintaining the original structure.
To translate the given English text into simplified Chinese and keep the HTML structure intact, you can use the following: ```html
``` This HTML snippet maintains the structure of the text and provides the translation in simplified Chinese.To translate the English text "Last month, Google DeepMind and Isomorphic announced that their latest A.I. model, AlphaFold 3, can predict how molecules and proteins will interact — a further step in drug design." into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure, you can use the following: ```html 上个月,Google DeepMind 和 Isomorphic 宣布他们最新的人工智能模型 AlphaFold 3 能够预测分子和蛋白质的相互作用 —— 这是药物设计的进一步步骤。 ``` This translation maintains the original meaning while adapting it for a simplified Chinese audience.
Sure, here's the simplified Chinese translation while maintaining the HTML structure: ```html
``` This HTML snippet translates the provided English text into simplified Chinese, structured in a paragraph (``).
在保持HTML结构的情况下,将以下英文文本翻译为简体中文: 《纽约时报》关于“AI工厂”开始在医药设计领域掀起热潮的及时报道,展示了AI在这里如何快速被大规模应用的情况。同时也展示了它们不仅仅是关于AI机器人在工厂进行工业化规模工作,尽管这也在基础机器人领域自然而然地发生。稍后会有更多相关内容。
Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html
``` In this HTML snippet: - `` and `
` are paragraph tags. - The Chinese text is enclosed within parentheses to maintain the structure and clarity of the original English message.在 Substack 上,您也可以免费订阅我的新闻简报《AI:重置为零》,获取更多类似内容。