
学习如何在Midjourney网站上展示Gerard Sekoto风格中展示的经典质感。使用长发卷曲的模特,穿上质感面料的衣服,并将其放置在浅粉色和深金色、浅紫色和白色或浅粉色和深翠绿色的背景前,展现优雅精致的外观。


a [person] with long curly hair in a [clothing] poses in front of a [background], in the style of studio portraiture, gerard sekoto, light pink and dark gold, light purple and white, light pink and dark emerald, textured fabrics, classic --upbeta --q 2 --v 5.1 --ar 9:16

a girl with long curly hair in a dress poses in front of a wooden floor, in the style of studio portraiture, gerard sekoto, light pink and dark gold, light purple and white, light pink and dark emerald, textured fabrics, classic --upbeta --q 2 --v 5.1 --ar 9:16

a youth with long curly hair in a tulle poses in front of a studio portraiture, in the style of studio portraiture, gerard sekoto, light pink and dark gold, light purple and white, light pink and dark emerald, textured fabrics, classic --upbeta --q 2 --v 5.1 --ar 9:16

a child with long curly hair in a textured poses in front of a light pink, in the style of studio portraiture, gerard sekoto, light pink and dark gold, light purple and white, light pink and dark emerald, textured fabrics, classic --upbeta --q 2 --v 5.1 --ar 9:16

a female with long curly hair in a fabrics poses in front of a dark gold, in the style of studio portraiture, gerard sekoto, light pink and dark gold, light purple and white, light pink and dark emerald, textured fabrics, classic --upbeta --q 2 --v 5.1 --ar 9:16

a teenager with long curly hair in a pink poses in front of a light purple, in the style of studio portraiture, gerard sekoto, light pink and dark gold, light purple and white, light pink and dark emerald, textured fabrics, classic --upbeta --q 2 --v 5.1 --ar 9:16

a human with long curly hair in a gold poses in front of a white, in the style of studio portraiture, gerard sekoto, light pink and dark gold, light purple and white, light pink and dark emerald, textured fabrics, classic --upbeta --q 2 --v 5.1 --ar 9:16

a model with long curly hair in a emerald poses in front of a textured, in the style of studio portraiture, gerard sekoto, light pink and dark gold, light purple and white, light pink and dark emerald, textured fabrics, classic --upbeta --q 2 --v 5.1 --ar 9:16

2023-10-20 17:04:02 AI中文站翻译自原文